Thank You For Your Support!

Your support makes a difference every day helping our neighbors in need.

Make a Financial Donation

You financial support allows us to provide fresh, healthy produce and other items to our area at-risk children and their families.   


Give back to the community!  Volunteer your time at our Fresh Produce Markets, pack SmilePak snack bags, or pack school supplies.  We rely on individual, corporate, faith-based and youth volunteers to help us distribute fresh food and supplies to neighbors in need.

volunteer, charity, cloud

Shop Amazon - 2 Ways to help

Your support with a donation of an item from our Amazon Wish List provides needed items to support our programs and allows us to use funds raised to directly support our programs.  You can also shop Amazon Smile and a percentage of every purchase will be donated to Community Kindness, at no cost to you. Make sure you log in to Amazon Smile when making your purchase and link Communinty Kindness to your account!

Cans and Cash

Collect needed can food staples that we will use to supplement our Fresh Produce Markets providing additional food support to our families.  We are in need of almond or sunflower butter, canned chicken breast, canned tuna, and canned entrees like spaghetti and meat balls, ravioli, etc. Or how about hosting a Cash Drive collecting monetary donations to support our programs.

“Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness.”
– Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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